Monarch Butterflies
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A quartet of milkweed seed pods.
![Photo of milkweed seed pods](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1426_SeedPods.jpg)
The milkweed seeds are equipped with silky white filaments
that can carry them in the wind far from their parent plant.
![Photo of milkweed seeds](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1482_Seeds.jpg)
Seed pods of asclepias physocarpa, a species of milkweed
that can grow over 6 feet high and is native to southeast Africa.
![Photo of asclepias physocarpa seed pods](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1484_SeedPodsSwanPlant.jpg)
A teeny-tiny caterpillar munching on milkweed flowers.
![Photo of teeny-tiny caterpillar munching on milkweed flowers](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1411_TinyCaterpillar.jpg)
After the rain...wet caterpillars!
![Photo of web caterpillars](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1532_WetCaterpillars.jpg)
A caterpillar conference.
![Photo of four caterpillars](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1486_CaterpillarConf.jpg)
The caterpillar sheds its skin five times during the larval stage.
![Photo of four caterpillars](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1679_CaterpillarSkin.jpg)
Sunlight illuminates her like a stained glass window.
![Photo of sunlight illuminating butterfly](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1696_ButterflySunlight.jpg)
Two monarchs chat about the cold weather.
They can't fly in the cold (below 60 degrees Fahrenheit).
![Photo of two butterflies chatting on milkweed](Images/Other/Butterflies/IMG_1719_2ButterfliesChat.jpg)
Now that it's warmer, let's prepare for takeoff...
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